HanuMan (2024)
HanuMan is a Telugu superhero movie directed by Prasanth Varma, known for his unique storytelling style. Teja Sajja stars as the titular character, with Amritha Aiyer, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Samuthirakani, Vinay Rai, Vennela Kishore, and Raj Deepak Shetty playing significant roles. Set in the fictional village of Anjanadri, the film introduces the first installment of the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe (PVCU). Released on January 12, 2024, the film’s music is composed by GowraHari and Anudeep Dev.
Below is a list of HanuMan movie songs lyrics in Telugu. Click on the song title or thumbnail to view the corresponding lyrics page.