Detective Karthik (2023)
Detective Karthik is a 2023 Telugu-language thriller directed and written by Venkat Narendra. The film features Rajath Raghav, Goldie Nissy, Abhilash Bandari, Sruthymol, Anusha Nuthula, Hasini Rai, and Madee in prominent roles. The music and background score are by Marcus M. The film was released in theaters on 21 July 2023.
Below is a list of Detective Karthik movie song lyrics in Telugu and English. Click on the song title or thumbnail to view the corresponding lyrics page.
Detective Karthik Songs Lyrics:
- Kanule Tadisi (కనులే తడిసి)
- Naa Bujji Bangaaru (నా బుజ్జి బంగారు)
- Chikattlo Dochesthuna (చికట్లో దోచేస్తున్నా)