Chinna (2023)
Chinna, originally titled Chithha (translated as “Uncle-Father’s younger brother”) in Tamil, is a 2023 Indian crime drama written and directed by S. U. Arun Kumar. The film is produced by Siddharth, who also stars in the lead role, alongside Nimisha Sajayan in her Tamil debut, and Anjali Nair. The cast also includes Baby Sahasra Shree and Baby S. Aafiyah Tasneem in prominent roles. It’s released theatrically on 29 September 2023, the film’s songs were composed by Dhibu Ninan Thomas and Santhosh Narayanan, with the background score by Vishal Chandrashekhar. The film was also dubbed in Telugu under the title Chinna.
Below is a list of Chinna movie song lyrics in Telugu and English. Click on the song title or thumbnail to view the corresponding lyrics page.
Chinna Songs Lyrics (Telugu):
- Needhele (నీదేలే)
- Kaalam Edho (కాలం ఏదో)
- Neeve Swasave (నీవే స్వాసవే)
- Neeve Swasave (నీవే స్వాసవే)