At, we do not host or provide mp3/audio files or monetize any copyrighted material. Our platform strictly provides song lyrics for educational, informational, and personal purposes, allowing users to enjoy and understand the lyrics. All the lyrics are the intellectual property of their rightful owners. The music videos displayed on the site are embedded directly from YouTube with proper permissions granted by music companies.
If you believe that your copyright has been violated, please contact us through email at [[email protected]] or via our contact page. We will review and take action within three business days, respecting all legitimate copyright concerns. Our policy adheres to the guidelines set forth in 17 U.S.C. Section 512 (DMCA) to protect copyright holders’ rights. We are committed to maintaining compliance with all applicable copyright laws, ensuring the protection of content owners’ rights while providing users with an enjoyable experience. remains dedicated to offering lyrics in a legal, respectful, and responsible manner, ensuring that both users and copyright owners feel secure.